Building Business. Enriching Community.

You Are One Weekend Away from A More Profitable 2023!

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Name: You Are One Weekend Away from A More Profitable 2023!
Date: November 18, 2022 - November 20, 2022
Event Description:
Prosperity Days: A Planning Retreat for Business Owners
Is it hard to carve out time to work on your business plan? Or if you find the time, do you struggle with what you should do next? If you do not have a plan, you are most likely working harder than you have to, and you are not making the money you should.
Let us help! Join us for an insightful weekend focused on YOU and your business. Enjoy the beautiful surroundings as you work on creating an extraordinary life and more profitable business. The event host, Deb Matz, will facilitate the process, so you can complete your plans over the weekend and develop a strategic roadmap that will make managing and monitoring your successes easier. Imagine having all this done before the holidays! How will that feel?
To make 2023 your most profitable year AND get a jumpstart on your competition, register for this life changing event! If you register before November 10th you will save $250. To learn more look for the insert in this newsletter or go to
WI: Nov. 18th- 20th at the Landmark Resort in Egg Harbor, WI
GA: Dec 2nd-4th at the Amicolola Falls State Park & Lodge in Dawsonville, GA
Contact Information:
Deb Matz
$2750 or $2499 if you register before Nov. 10th.
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